Feb 7 Stock Market Update : Softbank makes bank on $ARM after losing their shirt on WeWork



“Masayoshi San booked $16B in profit after hours on ARM after losing $14B in WeWork” 🤪 That’s how investing works - your one great investment washes away most losses.

Still a very strong and resilient bull market - I am not shorting anything

Follow the trend and that is go long. As opposed to 6 months ago when day trading worked, now swing trades work very well.

Our subscription service gives specific entries and exits for both long term holds and swing positions. You should subscribe.

Technology still strong

Paypal $PYPL and AliBaba ($BABA) had ok earnings, but modest forecast, Confluent $CFLT had great guidance (+25% YoY for 2024) and ARM $ARM had great growth projections as well.

Video of the day

Today’s video is on a SaaS infrastructure company - Mongo DB $MDB

Deep dive of the day

Today’s writeup is on ACMR a semiconductor company.

Good setups for swing

$GM Bull Flag - ride to $41

$TM setting up well. Wait for $218 to ride to $250