META added $180B in market cap today - Feb 2 Stock Market Update



“Meta stock went up today enough to buy Nike, Tmobile Or Intel, and still have cash left to buy 10 other mid cap companies” 😲 

I have a sincere request for today.

If you like my daily newsletter - please send it to one person who you think might benefit from this. It will help me a lot. After you forward, tweet to me and I will definitely thank you and retweet your post.

If this is not a bull market, I don’t know what is

As I mentioned in early Jan (1st week) this is a resilient market with very strong bull trends. It will go down big at some point, but right now make hay while the sun shines".

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Communications and Consumer stocks did well for the week

For the week two of the stocks I hold in the mid cap - $SYM And $NXT both outperformed and were in the top 10 of all time performance for the week. Of course I hold Amazon, Microsoft, Meta and Apple.

I will buy Tesla at some point and I will add to my Google shares (12 year hold) but I am still waiting on them to form an uptrend.

Video of the day

Today’s video is on a fintech leader - NuBank $NU, a Brazilian leader.

Deep dive of the day

Today’s writeup is on Navitas a small cap semiconductor company in the power management space.

Good setups for swing

VRT setting up well to earnings - Feb 21st

Watch PINS for a big move up post META - earnings Feb 8th